
Properties file

The application settings are stored in /opt/datamaker/ file. You can edit them and restart the application for taking effect.

Java System properties

You can override application settings from the JAVA_OPTS variable in service.conf (or in Tomcat

JAVA_OPTS=’-Xmx512M -Dlogging.config=/opt/datamaker/logback-spring.xml’

Example: -logging.file.max-size=50MB

JAVA_OPTS=’-Xmx512M -Dlogging.config=/opt/datamaker/logback-spring.xml -logging.file.max-size=50MB’

Binding from Environment Variables

You can also use Windows or Linux environment variable to override application settings. You need to use the snake case formatting.

Ex: spring.datasource.url becomes SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL


Naming convention

Most operating systems impose strict rules around the names that can be used for environment variables. For example, Linux shell variables can contain only letters (a to z or A to Z), numbers (0 to 9) or the underscore character (_). By convention, Unix shell variables will also have their names in UPPERCASE.

Spring Boot’s relaxed binding rules are, as much as possible, designed to be compatible with these naming restrictions.

To convert a property name in the canonical-form to an environment variable name you can follow these rules:

Replace dots (.) with underscores (_).

Remove any dashes (-).

Convert to uppercase.

For example, the configuration property spring.main.log-startup-info would be an environment variable named SPRING_MAIN_LOGSTARTUPINFO.

Environment variables can also be used when binding to object lists. To bind to a List, the element number should be surrounded with underscores in the variable name.

For example, the configuration property my.service[0].other would use an environment variable named MY_SERVICE_0_OTHER.

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